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Babacan Plastik

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We started our journey in this sector in 1994. Based on the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over 22 years, we offer products to our customers using technology and know-how at international standards at the highest level.

Our basic policy is to work customer-oriented, prioritize customer satisfaction, expand our product range, and provide quality service understanding and service.

Our company serves many cities in the Black Sea region, especially Samsung.

We constantly improve the quality of our products by following the changing technology with our trained and equipped staff, and we get closer to our goals every day by growing and developing without compromising our principles.

  • Led strip,
  • Projector,
  • Round LED Panel,
  • Canled Decorative Luminaire,
  • Panel LED,
  • LED Transformer,
  • Fuse Boxes,
  • Black Polyethylene Underground Water Pipes,
  • Blue Polyethylene Underground Water Pipes,
  • Irrigation Hoses,
  • PVC Ball Valve,
  • sleeve,
  • Case, Junction Box and Other Plumbing Materials,
  • Square Junction Boxes,
  • Elbows, Dowels and Nailed Crochets,
  • spacer,
  • We offer a wide range of products to our customers such as Plastic Straight Pipes and Spiral Pipes.

Our product quality is proven by the certificates we have received. You can easily access our wide product range and price lists on our website. You can shop quickly and safely on our online site.

Price lists:

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